Thursday, October 8, 2009

How can I do this... pics included?

How can I do this look? Step-by-Step please!

How can I do this... pics included?

Yes---You can!!

Understand from your pics- you want the spikey look.

1. wash your hair

2. blow dry with a brush the top part of your hair upward.

3. use a hard gel for styling (or very strong hold)

You can do no. three with hair spray of same quality. Same effect but no wet look.

for the highlights take the pic and go to the salon or get yourself the do- it- yourself kit.

How can I do this... pics included?

you can't

How can I do this... pics included?

Gel or pomade. Take the front center portion of your hair and push forward and up (while applying the gel or pomade of course and kinda of pull out on the sides. There's no real magic to get it really involves a lot of playing with your hair. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be exactly set to be the same every day to achieve the style.

How can I do this... pics included?

Put wax in it and tease it up. Sugar water also works very well. So does soap. With soap wet the soap and literally mess with it in your hair.

You can also use gel, but make sure with any product you carry some around with you to make sure it doesn't drop.

For more detail just ask me

How can I do this... pics included?

Use mousse (or some kind of hair putty) and run your fingers upwards thru your hair.

How can I do this... pics included?

Magic Blue, but use the green version for your scalp or your head will get itchy. It's at Beauty Supply stores such as Sally's Beauty supply!

How can I do this... pics included?

ok wash your hair get a hairdryer hold it infront of your forehead with the nozzle pointing upwards and dry it until hair is standing up then keep the sides flat and just blast dry the rest if your hair is curly you will probably need to run the straightener over it. try some mohawk gel by tigi if it flops on you or else gel or wax if it stays up

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