Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm a brunette girl and I want to make my hair like jessica alba and so...?

which color in this picture?(which tone I know blonde:))

I'm a brunette girl and I want to make my hair like jessica alba and so...?

I'm the same! Sorry, I don't know what tone... But print it out and give it to the hairdresser. She/he will know what to do, but just in case do it at a really nice shop so u know they wont screw up!

I'm a brunette girl and I want to make my hair like jessica alba and so...?

You would have to give it to a hairdresser for the exact color to match up. I think it's more of a dark blonde with caramel highlights, but I'm not 100% sure. It's difficult to put a color to it. Good luck.

I'm a brunette girl and I want to make my hair like jessica alba and so...?

Light golden brown.

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